Friday, April 15, 2011

Strong Enough

I've heard numerous times lately how strong I am.  As I take that as a compliment, I'm sure people mean different things by it.  Some probably say that I am strong when they think that they couldn't handle losing a child.  Maybe they wouldn't be able to hold it together as well as I have?  Some may say that I'm strong meaning that I'm strong in my faith in God.  Others may say I'm strong because I'm not glued to the couch sitting in my pajamas all day, every day (this is the reality some days).

I had the choice to let myself get swallowed up in the loss of Madelyn or to keep a hopeful mind and spirit. I am still a happy person with blips of sadness every day.  I am not jealous of those around me that have babies similar in age to what Madelyn would have been.  Seeing pictures of other babies makes me sad that I couldn't watch Madelyn grow like the parents of the children who are still alive can.

I am strong because I hit rock bottom and God swept in and made me feel that everything was going to be OK.  He's in control and will guide me.

Last week I bought a ceramic cross made by the company Natural Life (  I love all of their stuff and would buy tons more if I could.  Anyway, the cross has the Bible passage "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." Philippians 4:13

Strong Enough by Matthew West

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