Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

It's a gorgeous day in Indianapolis!  It would be difficult to be anything but happy on a day like today.

Lilly had her 2 1/2 year old check up.  Originally, Lilly was going to have this appointment at Madelyn's 1 week check up.  Since that never happened, Lilly's doctor called and set it up for today.  We are definitely getting special treatment from some of the medical community! :)  Lilly has grown 1.5 inches since her check up 6 months ago and has gained 1.2 lbs.  I thought she was fairly average on height/weight, but she was actually in the 30th percentile for height and 10th for weight <-- those are not my genes!

Lilly's doctor gave us a great suggestion for potty training that we will start soon.  We will do a 2 week countdown to "No More Diapers" and then she will be in "big girl panties" at all times except for naps and nighttime.  She said that it should only take about a week after that to be potty-trained.  <<Fingers crossed!>>

Lilly has been a high-maintenance sleeper lately.  She fights going down for naps/bedtime most of the time.  We either have to lay with her or rock her to sleep every night.  Per doctor's orders, we will be resorting back to the CIO method after we have done our nighttime routine -- bath, tv show (or 2 or 3...just being honest), brush teeth, books, prayers, and bed.

After her check up we headed over to the cemetery for a mass honoring those who were buried during the month of February.  Madelyn's name was read aloud.  The priest's homily was about how we often pray to fix things, but sometimes God has different plans and the outcome is much better than what we were praying for in the first place.

It's easy to get mad at God if everything isn't going your way, especially if you have been praying a lot about it.  Instead of clouding my life with negativity, I'm trying to seek out the good of the situation.  I don't have Madelyn, which I will always be upset about.  However, important relationships have been strengthened and my outlook on life and Heaven has changed.  As a result, I'm making more of my time here.

While playing outside with Lilly today, I was snapping some pictures of her since I haven't taken many in the past few months.  As I was going through them on the computer, this one caught my eye.

They are horrible pictures of Lilly, but both have lights in them (the top picture is more obvious).  I'd like to think that's Madelyn playing with her big sister! :)

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